[python-win32] Active Directory, ADSI, WMI integration

Tim Golden tim.golden at viacom-outdoor.co.uk
Thu Mar 17 14:44:52 CET 2005

[Damon Brinkley]
| Hello everyone.  I am a sys admin in charge of about 100 
| windows servers in an Active Directory environment and would 
| like to know if there's a way to use Python for my scripting 
| needs instead of vbscript.  I would like to do some ADSI and 
| WMI type stuff with Python if possible.  Any help would be 
| much appreciated.

I've got some stuff here. I know the WMI stuff has been
used by other people. The AD stuff is newer, and I'm
sort of wavering between search interfaces etc. (and
haven't had the time to do much with it lately). At
least it might give you an idea...


Tim Golden

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