[python-win32] EasyDialogs - how to set initial path

Radovan Grznarik radovan.grznarik at gmail.com
Thu Jun 30 14:07:53 CEST 2005

Thank you very much, I was so close, it's the 4th one:)))
Next time before the question I will look at the code.

now it works
filename = EasyDialogs.AskFileForOpen("","","","d:\\")

On 6/30/05, John Machin <sjmachin at lexicon.net> wrote:
> Radovan Grznarik wrote:
> >Hi,
> >
> >I am using EasyDialogs (AskFileForOpen) and I am not able to set the
> >initial open path. I found in Python help
> >
> *should* be [you reading this, Jimmy???]. Here's another hint - this is
> _open source_ software, Luke :-)
> Yeah. two ideas, actually:
> ONE:
>     try:
>          rtfs()
>     except NoSourceError:
>          trashthesucker()
> TWO:
> Keyword arguments are a thing of beauty and a joy forever, even when
> they're in camelCase -- so bloody well stop counting arguments and use
> them!!

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