[python-win32] Openning the IDE from Windows Explorer

Tim Roberts timr at probo.com
Tue Jun 14 19:20:13 CEST 2005

On Mon, 13 Jun 2005 12:34:37 +0200, "Habtamu Gulilate" 
<gulilate09606 at itc.nl>

>I am student in ITC Netherlands in GIS i need to develope a model in
>land use suitablity by arcgis9 model builder and show that model in user
>interface created by python scripts. But i do not have an idea about how
>to create user interface by python.in rder to  run in user interrface by
>users. so please if u have some examples how to create a user interface
>by using python send me.
>i thanks your coopartion

One easy way to create a UI for a Python application is to make it a web 
application, and let Internet Explorer be your user interface.  That 
way, you can even offer your application over the Internet.  There are a 
couple of a simple web servers in the Python standard library, or you 
can use the CherryPy package, which also includes HTML templating.

If you really need this to have a native user interface, there are 
several good options: wxPython, tkinter, and Qt are all possible.

Tim Roberts, timr at probo.com
Providenza & Boekelheide, Inc.

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