[python-win32] win32event.ReleaseMutex

David Fraser davidf at sjsoft.com
Tue Jun 14 10:35:57 CEST 2005


I've been trying to test some locking code from http://rgruet.free.fr/
This expects win32event.ReleaseMutex to raise an error if the lock has 
not been acquired...
However in my tests, win32event.ReleaseMutex always returns None, 
regardless of whether the lock had been acquired by the current process 
or not.
If I use ctypes.windll.kernel32.ReleaseMutex then I get the expected 
return value from the function (0 if it had not been acquired, 1 if it had).
Would it be possible to make win32event.ReleaseMutex do the same?
This is with pywin32 version 204 on both Python 2.3.3 and Python 2.4
(As an aside; is it possible to determine the pywin32 version at all 
from within Python? I couldn't find a version attribute in any of the 


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