[python-win32] Error message....

eric.powell@srs.gov eric.powell at srs.gov
Mon Dec 19 14:58:17 CET 2005

Hello all!

I am trying to use the OSISoft PI (Plant Information) API to collect data 
about processes within our facility, however, when I try to connect to the 
PI server using their API calls, I get the following error"

>>> from ctypes import *
>>> PiAPI=windll.piapi32
>>> valid = 0
>>> status = PiAPI.piut_setservernode(servername)
>>> status = pi.piut_login("pidemo", "dorazio", valid)
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "<pyshell#10>", line 1, in ?
    status = pi.piut_login("pidemo", "dorazio", valid)
WindowsError: exception: access violation writing 0x00000000

I THINK this means we are not licensed to make API calls against this dll, 
but I am not sure.

If anyone can translate the error message, I would be grateful.


Eric B. Powell
Electronic Aids
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