[python-win32] Re: reading from console child process

Thomas Heller theller at python.net
Tue Apr 5 16:41:10 CEST 2005

Niki Spahiev <niki at vintech.bg> writes:

> Chris Maloof wrote:
>> Thanks for the help!  ctypes ended up working for me, with help from
>> win32process where possible.  I'm not sure why the solutions
>> involving popen variants failed; I might have missed something
>> easier.  Here's the meat of my solution for the archives anyway,
>> though.
> IIRC there is new module process which replaces popen with better
> functionality.

This is subprocess (included in Python 2.4). But if the child
application really writes to the console directly, and not to standard
output, I would guess that subprocess won't be able to read the output.


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