[python-win32] PythonWin - docking and completion

Mark Hammond mhammond at skippinet.com.au
Sat Sep 25 02:34:15 CEST 2004

> I've been using PythonWin for a bit, and I think it's great.
> I would like the MDI windows to be docking though (as well as things
> like the trace collector). Is there a trick to make them dockable?

Dockable windows in MFC have totally thrown me :)  I don't want to think
about how many hours it took to make the interactive window dockable and
stable..  After that, I just couldn't find the energy.

> Also, what is the trick for completion and sanity checks. I know that
> Python is not
> strongly typed :-), but it would be nice to see that I'm
> referencing some
> module that I forgot to import. It would also be nice to get
> all the completion
> for a module (like some of the Win32 COM objects).

Completion is very simple - see the pywin\idle directory.  sanity checks are
largely non-existant - Scintilla itself does some basic indentation checks,
and "Ctrl+Shift+C" checks the syntax is OK (which as you say, doesn't tell
you alot in Python.

> What are the tricks?  If there aren't any, has anyone thought
> of improvements?

Plenty of ideas for improvements, just short on time to do them.  It is very
rare that I get time to spend on pythonwin these days, and given MFC is
basically dead, it has no "strategic" interest to people.  Hopefully some
one else will step up to the plate and start offering contributions.


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