[python-win32] Re: Compile in windows using Microsoft Visual C v.6

Mark English Mark.English at liffe.com
Fri Sep 24 16:42:40 CEST 2004

Not that you're interested but this is great news, since I was about to
backport all my Python C-extensions to VC 6 which would be a real pain.
Any timeline on this ? Is there a beta I can build with Vc7 (I don't
have any kind of CVS thanks to our firewall) ? Will it include the
win32all extensions built too (from building with Vc7 they seemed to
need more work, especially PythonWin).


> -----Original Message-----
> From: Moore, Paul [mailto:Paul.Moore at atosorigin.com]
> Sent: 24 September 2004 15:07 
> To: Mark English; python-win32 at python.org
> Subject: RE: [python-win32] Re: Compile in windows using 
> Microsoft Visual C v.6
> From: Mark English
> > Does this mean it's moved to MSVC 7 (or even 7.1) ? Or is MSVC just
> > not going to be supported from now on ?
> Python 2.4 builds will be supported on MSVC 7.1, I believe.
> MSVC 6 support will not be deleted, but will be unmaintained, 
> and the standard binaries will be built with MSVC 7.1 (and 
> hence most binary extensions will expect a 7.1 runtime, and 
> will be incompatible with a MSVC 6 compiled Python).
> Paul.

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