[python-win32] Re: py2exe and module dependencies

David Fraser davidf at sjsoft.com
Fri Oct 22 16:38:57 CEST 2004

Thomas Heller wrote:

>David Fraser <davidf at sjsoft.com> writes:
>>Thomas Heller wrote:
>>>By accident, I've just hacked in py2exe a little more, and it can now
>>>create a HTML page explaining module dependencies. Inspired by Toby
>>>Dickenson's code http://www.tarind.com/depgraph.html.
>>>The results are quite nice, imo, and hopefully I can release 0.5.4 even
>>>this night.
>>Hi Thomas
>>Not meaning to be rude, but I must say that the code does have
>>problems with complex modules (won't work with my code :-)).
>>But then again, py2exe does too...
>You mean, py2exe *has* problems with your code?
Actually nothing serious, and this was based on vague memories, so 
please disregard ...

>>are you using his module dependency finders or the standard py2exe
>py2exe uses the standard Python's modulefinder.  If it has problems with
>some code, it may be a bug.  Toby has simply overridden some methods, so
>that dependencies are collected - that's what I also use, plus I format
>a html page from the results.
OK great

>>Anyway module dependency description would be quite helpful for
>>resolving unneeded dependencies in py2exe
>Yes, that's the use case.  With the html page full of links, it's easy
>to answer questions like
>- why the hell is this module included?
>- is that module really needed (for pure Python modules, the html page
>has a link which show the .py file in the browser)
>Anyway, I haven't yet looked at the module that Bob Ippolito has written
>for py2app, maybe it works better than modulefinder, and it can be used
>in the future for py2exe too.
Looking forward to the new version...


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