[python-win32] Basic win32pdh calls on windows 2003 server

Tim Roberts timr at probo.com
Thu Oct 21 18:36:50 CEST 2004

On Wed, 20 Oct 2004 10:15:16 -0500, "David Richardson" 
<drichardson at aogtech.com> wrote:

>I was looking on the web for an error message that I am having with one
>of my own programs and I see that you may have experienced the same
>thing and have fixed it.  Can you share with me, the details of what
>causes the pdh error -2147481648?

You should print out errors like this in hex.  It's 800007D0, which is 
PDH_CSTATUS_NO_MACHINE.   From pdhmsg.h:

// MessageText:
//  Unable to connect to specified machine or machine is off line.
#define PDH_CSTATUS_NO_MACHINE           ((DWORD)0x800007D0L)

- Tim Roberts, timr at probo.com
  Providenza & Boekelheide, Inc.

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