[python-win32] Slow COM since Office XP migration (BETIS Alexandre)

Harald Armin Massa haraldarminmassa at gmail.com
Wed Oct 20 13:23:39 CEST 2004

Hello Alexandre,

> I have used the python win32com package succesfully for
> automating boring Word doc generation. This worked at the speed
> of light using Word 97. Lately, though, my company upgraded to
> Office XP.

please google for "late and early binding" with com-objekts.

It is explained in detail in some talks of Mark, and also somewhere in
the documentation.

Short: "early binding" requieres some doing which may stick to a
particular Word-Version. If some early-binding-libs are not available,
pythoncom drops to late binding which is much slower.

Good luck,


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