[python-win32] customize colors in pythonwin

Jürgen Kareta python at kareta.de
Sun Oct 17 01:13:37 CEST 2004


I'm new to the list. I had recently updated pythonwin to build 202 with python 
2.3 on W2K. I like the new possibility to customize pythonwin with the config 
file and the option to add entries in the tool menu.

After playing with it a few nights, I have some questions now:
I tried to colorize  stings with a spezial color.  After some trials I found 
the python lexer in formatter.py and tried to extend it. But it doesn't work. 

I found a answer from Neil on the web that pythonwin now use the scintilla 
builtin python lexer. 

Is there another way to customize the color of special keywords/strings ?
If not, I suggest the only possibility is to rebuilt the scintilla python 
lexer ? I read something about building a lexer in a dll, but don't understand 
it completly. Is there a way to do it without compiling the whole pytonwin 
extension ? 

Because of the great possibilities to customize pythonwin and also the use of 
scintilla in my own applications, I wan't to understand the python wrapper 
around scintilla. I found the scintilla api and also a api for scintilla in 
wxpython. But not all api-funktions are available in pythonwin. Is there some 
dokumentation how pythonwin and scintilla work together or have I to study the 
sources ? In later case, what is the best place to start? I looked in most of 
the pywin source files and learned a lot, but i miss the overview how they work 
Thanks in advance for any reply :-)


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