[python-win32] Any plans to implement .rowcount in the odbc module?

Mark Hammond mhammond at skippinet.com.au
Fri Oct 8 01:13:01 CEST 2004

> Any plans to implement .rowcount in the odbc module?

Not by me, but only due to the fact I don't personally use that module.

> I'm eyeballing the source at:
> http://cvs.sourceforge.net/viewcvs.py/pywin32/pywin32/win32/sr
> c/odbc.cpp?rev=1.13&view=markup
> and I MIGHT be able to hack together something with some hints on
> which functions I need to edit, but I've never tried
> building pywin32 from source, so I don't know which compiler is
> required, etc.

It should be easy to build from source these days, particularly if you are
going from CVS or will wait for build 203.  All you need is MSVC6 (for 2.3
and earlier) or 7.1 (for 2.4).


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