[python-win32] Python as VBA replacement

Jens B. Jorgensen jens.jorgensen at tallan.com
Tue Oct 5 16:45:09 CEST 2004

You may want to investigate Active Scripting. This allows various 
scripting engines to be used generically. In fact, Mark Hammond's 
extensions include the necessary glue to make Python work as an Active 
Scripting Engine and in fact, Python can be used to write ASP pages. The 
Active Scripting Engine provides what you're talking about. Of course, 
I'm not sure this does you any good if an existing application is using VBA.

Eugeni Doljenko wrote:

> [i had send it to this list ofcourse, but already send to python-list, 
> apologies]
> Yes, topic has been discussed a lot, i know. But i wonder if someone 
> could
> come up with mature solution.
> So far i've read about writing COM servers in Python for calling them 
> from
> VBA.
> IMO it's possible to write some kind of generic COM server (because of
> Python dynamic nature)suitable to executing arbitrary Python code.
> May be even more tighter integration is possible?
> TIA,
> Eugeni Doljenko
> P.S. i'm just so tired with hand coding standart "Url decode" 
> function, and
> searching for reasonable alternative for iconv in this crappy language of
> procedures, directives and arbitrary (!) arrays base offset (i use 0, my
> friend uses 1, why somebody will not use 2 or 3). sorry for off topic PS.
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Jens B. Jorgensen
jens.jorgensen at tallan.com

"With a focused commitment to our clients and our people, we deliver value through customized technology solutions"  

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