[python-win32] phone/modem recording recipe?

RayS rays at blue-cove.com
Tue Nov 23 16:44:41 CET 2004

At 11:17 AM 11/23/2004 +0200, Niki Spahiev wrote:
>Tim Roberts wrote:
>>On Mon, 22 Nov 2004 07:09:03 -0800, RayS <rays at blue-cove.com> wrote:
>>>I was reviewing win32ras, pyserial and such last night, and I found two Python VOIP packages (for ISDN), but in short, I would just like to capture/send from a POTS handset via the modem. Like video/audio capture, except with a modem.
>>>Has anyone a "Hello phone" recipe?
>>No.  That's not how a modem works.  It doesn't have the ability to pass the raw audio data through to you, nor to accept digital PCM data and ship it out the speaker.
>Well not exactly true ;) Some modems can capture audio and send it to computer. With most raw data is in proprietary format, but some drivers make it accessible as multimedia audio device. Try pygame or pymedia.

Thanks Kiki,

pyMedia has a lot of audio possibilities, as do other modules, but I'm looking for the specific port/calls/interface that other apps use to do it. All my old modems had answering machine software, probably VB or C++; so basically, how did they do it? And, the 2 current VOIP Python packages I saw do it with ISDN modems
so I the digitized data must be available via a port or a dll call.

There are a number of Linux packages that are answering machines:

There is a PERL version 
called mgetty-voice using

I was just hoping to find something close to it and cross-platform already in Python...


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