[python-win32] wmi and NT service

Tim Golden tim.golden at viacom-outdoor.co.uk
Mon Nov 22 17:36:11 CET 2004

| It was just a ms-joke, because the service is launched by SYSTEM
| account, so the service tried to import %WINDIR%\Sytem32\wmi.dll ....
| renaming wmi.py to pywmi.py solved the problem

Well done for spotting that. It's come up a number of times
on this list before (and the main Python one). I really should
put a warning on the WMI page, but I keep forgetting.

| How can I get the name of the currently logged on user in a 
| NT service ?

1 >>> import win32api
2 >>> win32api.GetUserName ()
2 --> 'goldent'
3 >>>


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