AW: [python-win32] Connecting to Exchange in a MAPI.Session from aservice.

Martin Möllenbeck Martin.Moellenbeck at
Sun Nov 7 12:52:26 CET 2004

maybe you use the system account to run the service and must 
use the 'loggedon' user account


> -----Ursprüngliche Nachricht-----
> Von: python-win32-bounces at 
> [mailto:python-win32-bounces at] Im Auftrag von Aaron 
> Patrick Lehmann
> Gesendet: Sonntag, 7. November 2004 12:45
> An: python-win32 at
> Betreff: [python-win32] Connecting to Exchange in a 
> MAPI.Session from aservice.
> Hello all--
> I'm trying to use the following code to set up a MAPI.Session 
> with an Exchange
> server.  It works fine from the command prompt, but when I 
> try to run it as a
> service it fails with a MAPI_E_LOGON_FAILED Error.
> 	def _getCDO(self, profile, password ):
> 		"""
> 		This method gets a CDOSession.
> 		Arguments:
> --------------------------------------------------------------
> 		profile:	Tracker's profile name on the 
> Windows Computer.
> 		password:	Tracker's password for this profile
> 		Returns:
> --------------------------------------------------------------
> 		A CDO Session
> 		"""
> 		CoInitialize( )
> 		#Initialize COM, if it hasn't been initialized already.
> 		cdo = Dispatch("MAPI.Session", "Tracker")
> 		cdo.Logon(profile, password, False)
> 		return cdo
> Is there something extra I need in order to run this code as 
> a service?  I
> appreciate your help.
> Aaron Lehmann
> -- 
> Why do the Democrats complain about Nader losing them 
> Presidential elections?
> Republicans don't complain about Libertarians.
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