[python-win32] wmi.py + pythonservice.exe

Mark Hammond mhammond at skippinet.com.au
Thu May 6 23:55:18 EDT 2004

> system error 1067 is, as it says, unexpected process
> termination. as you're
> aware, services are not supposed to exit unless they've been
> sent the "stop"
> signal, so any exit from your code while starting or running
> will log this
> error.

Theoretically, this should not be able to happen for Python services.
Unhandled exceptions should still terminate "gracefully", logging the error
and notifying the SCM that it finished.

A fatal Python error could cause this though, and the most common cause of
this is a thread-state mixup - but then I would expect the same code to fail
regardless of the context it was being executed in.

All my ideas to diagnose this require MSVC.


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