[python-win32] py2exe problem with ActiveX control

pyama at snafu.de pyama at snafu.de
Thu Mar 25 03:40:48 EST 2004

>   File
> "C:\Python23\CETI\build\bdist.win32\winexe\temp\win32com\gen_py\1D3EA638-885
> 2-443F-8091-8BC575DEAA72x0x3x0\ExplorerBar.py", line 33, in ?
> __import__('win32com.gen_py.1D3EA638-8852-443F-8091-8BC575DEAA72x0x3x0._Expl
> orerBar')
>   File
> "C:\Python23\CETI\build\bdist.win32\winexe\temp\win32com\gen_py\1D3EA638-885
> 2-443F-8091-8BC575DEAA72x0x3x0\_ExplorerBar.py", line 27, in ?
>     class _ExplorerBar(DispatchBaseClass):
> NameError: name 'DispatchBaseClass' is not defined

You have two choices:

1. Edit _Explorer.Bar.py by hand and add
   from win32com.client import DispatchBaseClass

2. Change ...\site-packages\py2exe\build_ex.py in line 1056 from
   makepy.GenerateFromTypeLibSpec(info, bForDemand = True) to
   makepy.GenerateFromTypeLibSpec(info, bForDemand = False)

   This will generate only one big Python-typelib.



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