[python-win32] Python and screen magnifier.

Niki Spahiev niki at vintech.bg
Thu Mar 18 03:46:12 EST 2004

Jacques Bosch wrote:
> Hi there. I'm new to this list. Hope somebody might be able to help me.
> I use a screen magnifier called Zoomtext (ZT), as I can't see very well. :)
> I have recently started using python, but find that the cursor / caret 
> is not tracked by ZT in any of the python editors or python shells that 
> I have tried.
> It is very frustrating.
> I have tried ZT's "Caret Detect" too, and it asks me if I want to keep 
> the new caret definition. I say yes, but it still does not work.
> I have tried several python editors, including Active Python and WX 
> Python. Seems like the problem is with the cursor / caret in any app 
> written in python.
> Almost as if a python text cursor is not like a standard windows cursor.
> How can I overcome / work around this problem?
> Is there anybody on this list that uses Zoomtext with Python?

Don't know about Zoomtext, but all these python editors are based on 
scintilla (www.scintilla.org) source code editing component. Maybe 
author can help.

Niki Spahiev

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