[python-win32] Python Win32 and Active Directory

Bill boober95 at rogers.com
Mon Mar 15 12:06:49 EST 2004


Thanks for getting back to me.  Attached is the example I tried to run on my 
windows xp machine.  What I want is authentication to a windows server, but I 
haven't gotten very far, but I'm new at this so I expect I've made an error?  
(I did fix the problem with the doc string which wasn't closed though.)


On March 15, 2004 04:05 am, Mark Hammond wrote:
> > Has anyone tried using Active Directory thru the Python Win32 API?
> >
> > I want to authenticate to AD and tried the simple example in
> > the online
> > docs for 'opends' but alway get 'AD' is an undefined symbol.
> > I may have
> > missed something obvious, but I sure can't see what it is :-(
> Can you post your complete sample code, and the complete traceback you get?
> Mark.
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