[python-win32] How to interrupt embedded python interpreter

Chaffin, Michael mchaffin at microsatsystems.com
Fri Mar 12 18:10:26 EST 2004

I am trying to figure a way to pass on an interrupt to embedded python
interpreters, specifically say when the  my python script object goes out of
scope. I have found an article by Stefan Migowky titled, 'Embedded python:
how to force a break to endless looping python'. 

wsintern.dspace.de&rnum=13 ) 

The problem I see with this solution is patching the python dll, and the
patch is kind of old. Is there another way to interrupt embedded python
interpreters ? 

If not, will the patch from Stefan still work on python 2.2 or 2.3 ?

Michael S. Chaffin

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