[python-win32] EnsureModule raises AssertionError if typelib isupdated

Mark Hammond mhammond at keypoint.com.au
Fri Mar 5 21:45:02 EST 2004

> "C:\Python23\lib\site-packages\win32com\client\gencache.py", line 542,
> in AddModuleToCache
> assert not mod.__dict__.has_key("_in_gencache_"), \
> AssertionError: This module has already been processed by this process
> The files in gen_py are updated correctly, and if I run the
> same script
> again, EnsureModule works fine (until I update the DLL again).
> Any help?

This is a bug, and IIRC, py2exe has a similar issue in some cases.  For now,
removing the assertion should work, but it is pointing at something I should
fix correctly.


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