[python-win32] Python debug memory leaks

yakumoklesk at yahoo.es yakumoklesk at yahoo.es
Fri Feb 27 14:07:14 EST 2004

I don't know if I have to write to this list or to python-byg mailing list to 
get a solutions to this problem.

I am embedding the python interpreter in my Visual C++ 6.0 application. 
I am running debug versions of python (python_d.lib + python_d.dll) 
because I also want to import debug DLL versions of C++ wrapped 
libraries made with SWIG. But when I do PyInitialize() and then I follow 
it with PyFinalize() and end the program, the VC environment reports 
memory leaks. I use <crtdbg.h> library and _CrtSetBreakAlloc() function 
to stop when the memory block that was reported to be leaked is 
allocated, and it is allocated from inside python code.

Is there a patch to solve this in the debug version of Python 2.3 which I 
am using. I need to get 0 memory leaks from python because I can 
easily distinguish my own memory leaks in my code and in the wrapped 
C++ classed made with SWIG.

Thanks in advance.


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