[python-win32] Re: Automating IE

Tim Golden tim.golden at viacom-outdoor.co.uk
Thu Feb 26 04:31:08 EST 2004

>-----Original Message-----
>From: Thomas Heller [mailto:theller at python.net]
>Sent: 26 February 2004 09:26
>To: python-win32 at python.org
>Subject: [python-win32] Re: Automating IE
>Tim Golden <tim.golden at viacom-outdoor.co.uk> writes:
>> Shitiz Bansal [mailto:shitizb at yahoo.com]
>>> Hi,
>>> Thanx, ur code worked out.
>>> However it didnt solve my problem.
>>> Actually I was trying to print a pdf file 
>>> programatically and copied the following code from internet
>> [... snip code ...]
>> If all you're trying to do is to to print from Acrobat,
>>  then (at least on Acro4) you can call the reader executable
>>  (acrord32.exe) you can pass a command-line switch of /p,
>>  meaning print, or /t, meaning print to default printer.
>> However, I believe that these switches are being deprecated
>>  in later versions, so your mileage may vary.
>> Example:
>> "c:\program files\adobe\Acrobat 4.0\Reader\acrord32.exe" /p doc.pdf
>Or, call ShellExecute directly.
>from ctypes import *
>windll.shell32.ShellExecuteA(None, "print", "doc.pdf", None, None, 0)
>See also:


Funnily enough, I had that same idea about 10 seconds after I
 sent the email, but decided not to clutter the list up with
 more of my ramblings.
Oops. I've done it anyway.


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