[python-win32] How can I manipulate the input of other Windows Programs?

Stefan Kroeger s.kroeger at biologie.hu-berlin.de
Thu Feb 19 05:06:18 EST 2004


I am newbee to Windows programming, but have some python experience.
I am writing a Pythonprogram that (when working) should do the following:

-automatically put some value in the dialogbox of another (Non Python) 
Program and hit <Enter> afterwards

How far have I gotten? I have mangaged to get a handle to the dialogbox 
(Childwindow?) with:


and checked if I was in the right one with the following line:


I know that is not too much;) but I am absolutly stuck.
Could anyone please help me by telling me: how to get a handle to the 
inputfield of my dialogbox and how manipulate it?


Stefan Kroeger

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