[python-win32] Re: wmi + pythonservice : multithreading issues

Aloys Baillet aloys at alamaison.fr
Mon Aug 30 11:18:34 CEST 2004


As this "Future Warning" thing seems to come from win32com, sure that 
Mark Hammond knows about it.
One of my Python usage is scripting in the 3D app named XSI, based on 
Mark's work, I also get this warning quite often. Personnaly I really 
don't care about it, but I heard some of my script users complaining 
about wierd warning messages... This is the fear of the unknown...
Anyway, I would suggest those messages come from the code generated by 
makepy, as this warning appears when the classes in the 
sites-package\win32com\genpy folder are loaded.
But its only a guess!


Michel Claveau wrote:
> Bonjour !
> Ce message : "FutureWarning: XXX int will return a signed string in Python
> 2.4 and up",
> je l'ai (trop) souvent. Et je ne comprend pas du tout à quoi ça correspond.
> J'ai bien posté des messages sur fclp et sur clp, mais ils sont restés sans
> réponse.
> @-salutations

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