[python-win32] Cannot assign values to the Excel Colors property

Joe Goldthwaite joe at goldthwaites.com
Tue Aug 24 00:35:12 CEST 2004

Here's another strange one.  Automating Excel with Python is turning out to
be a little more difficult than I thought.  I'm trying to set the color
property of the workbook object. In VB it goes like this;

Workbook.Colors(1) = &H254A70

When I try doing this in Python, It complains about the syntax and tells me
I can't assign a value to a function call.  I also tried this;

Workbook.Colors[1] = 0xH254A70

But it tells me "TypeError: object doesn't support item assignment".  I'm
sure there's a way to do it but the syntax eludes me.  Anyone have any

Thanks again.

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