[python-win32] ANNOUNCE: Build 201 of the Python for Windows extensions uploaded.

Mark Hammond mhammond at skippinet.com.au
Sun Apr 25 22:19:08 EDT 2004

Hi all,
  I've released build 200 of the pywin32 (previously known as win32all)
extensions.  The change summary is included below, and is available now at
sourceforge!  Please let me know if you notice any problems.

* Few service problems in the last build were fixed.
* More security fixes and enhancements from Roger Upole
* FindFilesW now handles unicode correctly and without translation.
* win32net functions will no longer crash with invalid usage of the resume
* Shell extensions get a major upgrade, and almost all interfaces needed
  for full blown extensions are supported.  See the samples in shell\demos.
* Drag and Drop and OLE Clipboard interfaces supported.
* Occasional deadlock in win32gui fixed.
* makepy fixes: names starting with "__" should work, sys.stdout is
  no longer redirected during generation, and various other bugs fixed.
  Some typelibs did not have all interfaces generated, and therefore
  always used dynamic objects - notably, "Indesign.Application"
* The COM browser would refuse to allow some typelibs to be selected
  (ones with REG_EXPAND_SZ strings in the registry).  This has been fixed.
* Fix some memory leaks when using win32com.universal
* New win32rcparser module (from the SpamBayes project) for parsing
  Windows .rc files, and returning structures suitable for win32gui
  (eg, dialog tuples, etc)
* New win32com.taskscheduler package, by Roger Upole, for working with
  Windows 2000 "scheduled tasks".  Very cool!
* win32gui gets better support for menus, accelerators, and raw message
* Improvements to distutils build process, and the source distribution.
* win32pdh.GetCounterInfo() would fail on XP
* COM now supports arbitrarily sized arrays (thanks to Stefan Schukat)
* time.Format() now supports dates pre 1970 (thanks to David Fraser)
* Source distribution is now fairly complete, and can be used to build
  and install the extensions.



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