[python-win32] Re: win32file and win32pipe

Neil Benn benn at cenix-bioscience.com
Wed Apr 21 03:43:47 EDT 2004


             Thank you for the response, I came to the same conclusion 
after digging through the C source and thought of the trailing null on 
the tram on the way home!!  Oh well stayed in work until 21:00 because I 
couldn't see the wood for the trees.

    Hopefully someone might have a similar problem in the future and my 
wasted evening not be in vain.



Roger Upole wrote:

> I took a look at the code for win32file.WriteFile, and it's not even using
> its own buffer for strings.  It passes the internal buffer from the Python
> object.  However, it's doesn't include the trailing null byte in the data
> length.  Do you know if the receiving app is expecting it ?  If so, you
> could try appending a \0 to the strings you're passing.
>            hth
>                 Roger
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Neil Benn
Senior Automation Engineer
Cenix BioScience
PfotenhauerStrasse 108

Tel : +49 (351) 210 1300
e-mail : benn at cenix-bioscience.com
Cenix Website : http://www.cenix-bioscience.com

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