[python-win32] Urgent Help reg DLLs

Sachin S.Suresh sureshsubbiah at india.com
Mon Sep 29 01:25:29 EDT 2003

hi all,
I'm developing our tool using python 2.2.2.
I  need to use a function which is defined a seperate DLL file named "common.dll". My problem is, i need to create an object for a class which is in the DLL file to access the member function of that class in DLL.

The Structure of Class in DLL is,

class Common
  int Result;
  int ToServer(address,message);

Thatz it. I need to access that member funcion ToServer. 
Plz help me out in this case. Its a bit urgent.

Expecting useful stuff from all of u group mates.

Thanx a lot in advance !


Keeeeeeeeeeep (s)mailing
Sachin S.Suresh

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