[python-win32] Re: win32all and non-standard Python distribution

Thomas Heller theller at python.net
Fri May 16 19:17:48 EDT 2003

"Itamar S.-T." <itamarst at yahoo.com> writes:

> I'm packaging Python by ZIPing up the c:\python22
> directory and unzipping it on target machine, usually
> in a different directory. This works fine for the most
> part - except for win32all. The problem is that the
> win32all packages are not put straight into
> site-packages, but instead are added in non-package
> directories, and sys.path is extended (not sure how -
> registry?).

Are you using a recent version? AFAIK, the registry is no longer used,
and all of win32all installes under lib/site-packages.

Except that a handful of files is installed into the system directory,
where also python22.dll is installed.

> Anyone solved this issue before? Obvious solutions
> would be sys.path fixups in all applications I run,
> messing with directory structure before ZIPing, adding
> some sort of site.py post-install, and getting Mark
> Hammond to change how win32all installs itself

> (can we get .h and .lib files installed too?) :)

This sounds like a good idea to me: I could make use of pywintypes.h and
pywintypes.lib, do you need more?


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