[python-win32] right list?

Jens B. Jorgensen jens.jorgensen at tallan.com
Tue May 13 13:14:57 EDT 2003

Chris Withers wrote:

> Is this the right place to ask questions about automating Excel in 
> Python via COM? 

Uh, I suppose so. The list is about issues relating python with win32. 
There end up being a lot of Excel automation questions here that seem to 
relate more to general COM or MS Office Automation than to actual Python 
problems but many list members (myself included) have used the win32 
extensions for exactly this purpose so why don't you tell us what seems 
to be the problem.

> If so, do I need to be a member to post? 

Well, this post made it so if you're not a member yet then I guess not.

Jens B. Jorgensen
jens.jorgensen at tallan.com

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