[python-win32] py2exe question

Rasjid Wilcox rasjidw at openminddev.net
Mon May 5 23:12:39 EDT 2003

On Wednesday 30 April 2003 10:59, Magnus Lyckå wrote:
> In Unix you would also have the possibility to make
> links with different names to handler.exe, and let it
> work like this instead:
> # handler.py
> import os, a, b, c
> f = os.environ()
> action = f['SCRIPT_NAME'].split('/')[-1]
> if action in ['a', 'b', 'c']:
>      locals()[action].main()
> Then you you wouldn't have to change the URLs, but
> unfortunately, Windows shortcuts aren't anywhere near
> as useful as hard or symbolic links in Unix.

If you install Cygwin, you can get real multiple hardlinks in Windows too, 
which work with ordinary Windows programs (like Notepad etc).

Hardlink a.txt to b.txt in Cygwin, and then when you edit a.txt, b.txt changes 
too, but both look link ordinary files to Windows.

It is very cool, and possibly even useful occasionally.  :-)



Rasjid Wilcox
Canberra, Australia  UTC + 10

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