[python-win32] Arrays in Python Com servers

Scott Prive scottprive at earthlink.net
Sat May 3 21:45:19 EDT 2003

----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Mark Hammond" <mhammond at skippinet.com.au>
To: "'Scott Prive'" <scottprive at earthlink.net>; "'Craig Taverner'"
<craig.taverner at comopt.com>; <python-win32 at python.org>
Sent: Saturday, May 03, 2003 7:17 AM
Subject: RE: [python-win32] Arrays in Python Com servers

> > I suggest Mark's book, Python Programming  on Win32. There is
> > quite a bit on
> > dealing with COM.
> > I am only 100 pages into the book, so I can't comment too much.
> Thanks :)  It should simply be a matter of returning a list (not tuple) of
> floats from your function.  As there is no typelib, everything is dynamic,
> so should "just work" using any compatible type in the array you choose.
> > Did you mean win32 events? I don't see that in the book
> > anywhere (and I
> > could be wrong). There have been some message threads on this
> > subject I've
> > seen in the mail archives.
> Unfortunately, event support missed the book.  Fortunately it isn't that
> hard - see the docstrings for win32com.client.DispatchWithEvents, or
> win32com\test\test_*events*
> Mark.

Do you have future plans for a Second Edition? :-)

What I would find *very* interesting is information how to "control" or
drive other applications without COM. For example, by invoking some
Application, and forcing keyboard or mouse events on that app (so you can do
things like populate a File/Open dialog, etc.).

Usually a software tester automates this using very expensive software like
Visual Test, Silk...  very expensive tools, complete overkill and come with
their own language variants.

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