[python-win32] Re: WIN32 API?

Thomas Heller theller at python.net
Thu Jun 5 10:22:07 EDT 2003

Chuck Esterbrook <ChuckEsterbrook at yahoo.com> writes:

> On Tuesday 03 June 2003 12:51 am, Thomas Heller wrote:
> > There's a win32gui.PumpWaitingMessages() which contains the complete
> > message loop.
> Thanks for the numerous tips! I'm still interested in getting what I 
> would call "full access". Here's what I've been doing/thinking:
> I was looking at win32all because it seems to already "know" what the 
> proper return types and arg types are for functions. However, the 
> disadvantage is that several functions (and possibly structs) are not 
> available. While I understand that win32 is somehwhat of a moving 
> target, many funcs such as beginpaint, drawtext and endpaint are not.
> ctypes can call just about anything which is fantastic. But it doesn't 
> "know" the structs or the function types.

For additional ctypes' based function declarations and type definitions
you can also look into Henk Punt's venster project, he build a native
windows gui framework using ctypes.

> I then briefly contemplated writing a C preprocessor and C parser that 
> would suck up *.H out of the VC98 directory and spew the Python 
> "declarations" for ctypes. After all, the information is all right 
> there in *.H.

Except for one thing: the include file doesn't have info in which dll 
a function actually is (although the search could be done by ctypes from
a known list of dlls).

> BUT that made me think of SWIG which already does this and is already 
> used by win32!
> So...I'm a little bit in the dark here. If SWIG's C preprocessor can 
> slurp up a header and spew out a library with the structs and 
> functions, BUT win32all only has a subset, I feel I must be missing 
> something...
> Is SWIG really not capable of this? If so, is the newer SWIG 1.3 
> capable? (AFAICT win32all uses a modified SWIG 1.1)

I have to leave this answer to people actually using swig.

> If I were to preprocess and parse the C headers, would anything prevent 
> me from generating Python source for ctypes to specify the return 
> types, arg types and structs?

No, it should work.

Niki spahiev mentioned Simon Burton's cdecl.py module in the
ctypes-users mailing list. I did some experiments with is and the
results are quite promising.

I sent VC98's windows.h file through the cl preprocessor (which resulted
in a 46000 line file after removing chunks of empty lines, and fed it to
the cdecl module.

I had to fix one bug with hex constants, and had to hack around several
windows specific problems (__cdecl, __stdcall, and other MS qualifiers),
and unnamed structures. cdecl does not yet parse the file completely,
but it looks promising. Maybe the end result can be something like
Python's h2py script.


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