[python-win32] Re: FrameMaker programming via FrameMaker API COM? OLE? What?

Brian Mahoney happy_ca_camper at yahoo.com
Tue Jul 22 09:50:25 EDT 2003

I was out for a few days.  I had looked at CTYPES as
an alternative and looked again.
I realize now that any FrameMaker API calls only end
up in the DLLs which I create as compiled
C programs acting as clients of FrameMaker. There is
no DLL for FrameMaker wrapping the
API, so it appears there no practical interface for
directly using COM/OLE or using CTYPE. 
The existing DLLs betweeen FrameMaker and any program
I write are only DLLs that marshall 
activities, they don't have any FrameMaker API that is
open to me or documented.  At least 
as far as I can see.

I have some ideas for the FrameMaker API wrapper from
the Adobe AfterEffects API Python
wrapper at http://opensource.adobe.com (not very
They wrapped that API and seem to have some good ideas
for handling arguments, etc.

Thank you for the suggestions.

--- Thomas Heller <theller at python.net> wrote:
> Brian Mahoney <happy_ca_camper at yahoo.com> writes:
> > For FrameMaker I can find no typelib. In the
> regedit
> > entry for the CLSID of FrameMaker API and all
> other 
> > strings with "FrameMaker" there is no TypeLib
> entry
> > and nothing in the OLE/COM Object Viewer Type
> > Libraries list.
> >
> > So, can I query any useful thing via COM
> FrameMaker
> > from Python, or do I just start wrapping?
> I don't know, but *before* you start wrapping take a
> look at
> http://starship.python.net/crew/theller/ctypes/
> Thomas
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