[python-win32] FrameMaker programming via FrameMaker API COM? OLE? What?

Brian Mahoney happy_ca_camper at yahoo.com
Fri Jul 18 11:19:42 EDT 2003

I'm biting the bullet and looking at wrapping the
C-language FrameMaker API in Python. Adobe FrameMaker 
Windows documentation describes a COM session where a
client can connect to the running FrameMaker session
and use the full FrameMaker API library to control FM.

However, before I start wrapping the API, my first
Python extension, I would like to understand the
FrameMaker COM/OLE, at least see if I can do the
initial connection via existing Python modules. 
Everything, including the session connection is done
through the API, so I learn nothing from that
documentation. My previous OLE experience started and
ended with the first version of OLE for 16-bit Windows
so I am not up on current OLE/COM terminology.

The Visual Studio OLE/COM object viewer, under "All
Objects" shows me a 32-bit FrameMaker API
InProcServer32 = ole32.dll
LocalServer32  = ...FrameMaker.exe /Automation /iconic
The most interesting interfaces are
IFrameMakerSession0 and IFrameMakerSession1
They list a CLSID with an
with an InprocServer32 = ...\afmfdk.dll

Does this tell me what kind of server I have for
FrameMaker or is it only telling me stuff about the
FrameMaker API client, and what I do in Python to
expose any interface?

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