[python-win32] Win32 WaitableTimers and Python?

Graham Klyne GK-lists at ninebynine.org
Thu Jul 17 22:22:11 EDT 2003

Thanks, that's a useful pointer.

(It turns out that I'd forgotten the wait methods have a built-in timeout 
that may be just enough for my purposes.  But that's good to have as a backup.)


At 14:02 17/07/03 -0500, Jens B. Jorgensen wrote:
>No a priori reason you could not use them but they do not seem to be in 
>the win32event module wherein they'd likely be found if they were present. 
>No need to let that stop you though. You could either write your own c(++) 
>extension module or even better you could use the ctypes module. With 
>ctypes if you wanted to wait 60 seconds you'd do this:
>from ctypes import *
>import win32event, win32api
>h = windll.kernel32.CreateWaitableTimerA(None, 0, None)
>dt = c_longlong(-60L * 10L**(9-2))
>dt_p = pointer(dt)
>windll.kernel32.SetWaitableTimer(h, dt_p, 0, None, None, 0)
>win32event.WaitForSingleObject(h, win32event.INFINITE)
>The ctypes home page is: http://starship.python.net/crew/theller/ctypes/
>Graham Klyne wrote:
>>I've been hunting through the book "Python Programming on Win32", 
>>associated web pages, and Googling the web in general, without much 
>>success, for an indication of whether CreateWaitableTimer and friends can 
>>be used from Python; cf.
>>In particular, I'm looking to use timers to do periodic polling functions 
>>in a service process.  I think I can use win32api.sleep for now, but I 
>>don't like hogging a thread in this way.  Being a service process, I 
>>think the window-based timers are inappropriate (if not impossible) to 
>>use here.
>>Any thoughts?
>>(I'm not subscribed to this list, so please copy me on any comments.)
>>Graham Klyne
>><GK at NineByNine.org>
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>Jens B. Jorgensen
>jens.jorgensen at tallan.com
>"With a focused commitment to our clients and our people, we deliver value 
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Graham Klyne
<GK at NineByNine.org>
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