[python-win32] Executing a remote process via WMI in Win32.

Tim Golden tim.golden at viacom-outdoor.co.uk
Tue Jul 8 14:20:22 EDT 2003

Paul Moore>
> [...] it might be worth looking at http://www.sysinternals.com 

It always is, in my experience

> and checking the "psutils" package ... one of which is psexec

Probably depends on how much control is needed once the process
 is run.

> PS One note I saw is that WMI doesn't allow creation of
>  interactive processes "for security reasons".

Another note (somewhere, forget where) suggests that it'll run
 the process but that as soon as you try to interact, it'll
 die silently. However... that doesn't seem to apply to
 processes created this way on the local machine, as I created
 a cmd.exe (can't get much more insecurely interactive than that)
 on my machine with a Win32_Process.Create and it played
 along just fine.

Well, who ever knows?


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