[python-win32] Executing a remote process via WMI in Win32.

Tim Golden tim.golden at viacom-outdoor.co.uk
Tue Jul 8 12:10:55 EDT 2003

> Sean

[... needs to run a remote process ...]

Well I updated my wmi module to allow creation of a
 new instance so you can do this:

 import wmi
 c = wmi.WMI ()
 p = c.new_instance_of ("Win32_Process")
 p.Create (CommandLine="notepad.exe")

but, like Paul Moore in his earlier post, I get
 kicked back with "RPC unavailable..." errors if
 I try it on a remote machine. I haven't messed
 with permissions, impersonations and so on, so
 it could be to do with that.

I'd be keen to know if you get it working. When I
 have a moment, I'll dabble further but if someone
 gets there first I'll be very glad.


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