[python-win32] Re: Question on server architecture

Don Dwiggins dond@advancedmp.com
15 Jan 2003 17:52:01 -0800

Mark Hammond writes:
> [Don]
>> Oddly enough, when I ran stress tests on this setup, it was
>> able to handle
>> many simultaneous requests.  The difference is that the
>> stress test was
>> using anonymous web clients, while in production the site
>> uses integrated
>> authentication.  I'm not sure why this should make a
>> difference, but it
>> does.  The result is long wait and execution times for the
>> ASP requests.

> This is odd, and may be worth trying to track down.

I've been trying desperately to do just that, with little success.  Since
the behavior is intermittent, it's been hard to find a "smoking gun".
Actually, the difference I cited is only my best guess as to why it should

I'm basically giving up on trying to diagnose it, and am looking to use a
different setup, one which should at least exhibit different behavior, and
ideally will work more smoothly.

Thanks for the help and the concern, though.

Don Dwiggins                     "The truth will make you free,
d.l.dwiggins@computer.org         but first it will make you miserable"
                                  -- Tom DeMarco