[python-win32] PythonWin - wont reload or import modules- after (approx) 10 recompilations

Tony Cappellini tony@tcapp.com
Wed, 08 Jan 2003 22:47:45 -0800

 >>No one else has ever reported this.

actually I did- to this list, back when I was using build 150. I event got 
some mail from you about it.

 >>Does your module use classes?
My module only has 1 class, a very simple "hello world" kinda class- I'm 
just now learning about python classes
I know you're going to tell me that I need to re-instantiate the class, 
after reloading/re-importing the module,
which I carefully did, many times

I'm sure it wasn't a directory or path issue- there's only one file with 
this name & class in it.

> >>that was imported is displayed.  In some strange cases, Pythonwin may get
will have to look at that next time.

> >>So check the module name displayed when it does work, and compare it to the
> >>module name when it does not.

Will try it now to see what happens.
