[python-win32] ASP, Python 2.2

Mark Hammond mhammond@skippinet.com.au
Tue, 7 Jan 2003 10:46:19 +1100

> 1) sys.path doesn't include the current directory
> I cannot import a module in the local directory of the ASP
> script unless
> I first sys.path.append() the current directory.

There is no concept of "cwd" in ASP.  Indeed, Python does not even know the
filename from where the script code came from (if indeed it did come from a
file at all!)

You can add your directory to sys.path using any of the various techniques
supported by Python itself.

> 2) page displays once, then doesn't display again.
> The first time a access an ASP page from a browser, it runs
> properly and
> displays the contents I would expect. The second time, it
> doesn't return
> anything but this:

As Don said, upgrade win32all for this.
