[python-win32] Re: Problems installing Win32 for Python 2.3.2

unifoam at total.net unifoam at total.net
Tue Dec 30 15:08:19 EST 2003

I've encountered an error while trying to install win32all-163 for
Python 2.3.2.

I have been using Python 2.2 and win32all-148 without any problems ( I
was using win32 for Access and CorelDraw applications).

I installed Python 2.3.2 without problem: Idle was working, etc., but
when I installed win32all-163, the following dialog error message box
appeared near the end of the installation:

Completing Installation

Error in installer script.
Traceback (most recent call last):

File "...\Temp\FinishInstall.py", line 101, in ApplyEntryPoint
          apply(ep, args)

File "...\Temp\FinishInstall.py", line 82, in DoCompileAllAndRegisterCom
          FindDuplicates(mod, dir)

File "...\Temp\FinishInstall.py", line 143, in FindDuplicates
          import win32api

Import Error: DLL load failed: A device attached to the system is 
not functioning.

Installation goes to completion but Double-clicking on Pythonwin.exe
produces the following error message:

Python for Win32
The application can not locate win32ui.pyd (or Python)(1157).
One of the library files needed to run this application cannot be

What I want to know is if I'm missing a DLL somewhere?

I have also removed Python 2.2 and win32all-148 and tried to install
Python 2.3.2 and win32all-163 but the same error shows up. Once I remove
Python 2.3.2 and win32all-163 and re-install Python 2.2 and
win32all-148, everything works without problem.

I have also tried to install win32all-153 and win32all-155, both causing
the same error. I even tried to install
ActivePython-2.3.2-232-win32-ix86.msi, but Pythonwin would not work.

When installing win32all-163, the following dll's appear in

PythonCOM23.dll  version
PyWinTypes23.dll version

I'm currently using Windows95 and I'm wondering if the latest versions
of win32 require an upgraded dll (or operating system?) which I'm not
aware of.

Any suggestions would be helpful, otherwise, I'll have to stick with 
Python 2.2 / win32all-148.

George Vestergom

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