[python-win32] getting a remote file

Tim Golden tim.golden at viacom-outdoor.co.uk
Tue Aug 26 15:29:58 EDT 2003

From: Nate Gelbard [mailto:gelbardn at tripwire.com]
> Using WMI, how can I get the contents of a remote file?
> I need to harvest a text file containing a version string
> and return the contents over WMI. Any suggestions?

I don't think there's a terribly easy answer to this: WMI isn't
a file transfer protocol, and while you could use the Copy
method of a CIM_DataFile object to copy a file, that's no
better than using any other method within Windows.

ie if you can do:

   for f in wmi.WMI ().CIM_DataFile (Name="c:\\temp\\blah.txt"):
     f.Copy (r"\\my_machine\blah\%s" % f.Name) 

then you could probably do something like:

   shutil.copyfile (r"\\othermachine\blah\blah.txt",

unless I've missed your point. Please feel free to jump
in and point out my shortsightedness.


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