[python-win32] excel access...

Christopher Quinn cq at htec.demon.co.uk
Thu Aug 21 13:21:57 EDT 2003

hello list.

i'm making a first foray into the windows world and using pythonCOM to 
access fields of an excel spreadsheet.
all seemed ok till i inquired the value of a cell containing a 
function which retrieved in turn it's value over DDE from another 
application (a stock price feed).
i opened the spreadsheet with the update option set and so expected 
excel to deliver a real result. unfortunately it returns -2146826259 
every time.
my question then is: should i be doing something other than 
Cells(x,y).Value  to extract the data at some instant?

i suspect i perhaps cannot use the COM interface to do what i want...
- chris

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