[python-win32] Access and python

Bob Gailer bgailer at alum.rpi.edu
Fri Apr 18 11:31:16 EDT 2003

At 09:12 AM 4/18/2003 +0800, Norlin Abd Rahim wrote:
 > U're saying that the file to which the resulting database will be 
written means that do i need to create that as an empty database
 > or it will be automatically created?

I recommend:
- start Access
- Tools -> Macro -> Visual Basic Editor
- View -> Object Browser (ensure that Access or All Libraries is selected 
in the top combo box). This will show you the Access Objects
- scroll to and click on Application in the left pane
- scroll to and click on DBEngine in the right pane
- scroll to and click on CompactDatabase in the right pane. The call syntax 
should appear below.
- Press F1 - this should bring up the help application showing 
CompactDatabase and the meanings of the parameters.

 > If i have an excel file and want to export it to Access using python 
win, how is that?

Have you brought excel files into Access manually? If so do you remember 
using Import?
In the Visual Basic help window
- click the Answer Wizard tab
- type "import excel"
- click search
This should display below the TransferSpreadsheet Action.
Actions belong to access macros.
To run an Action using Visual Basic, you use the DoCmd Method.
- return to the object browser
- scroll left to & click DoCmd
- scroll right to & click TransferSpreadsheet
- Press F1

My hope is that these guidelines will assist you in finding things out by 
yourself. Not that we have objections to helping, but our time is limited, 
and we are all best off when we know how to look things up. HTH

Be aware that the Visual Basic help window will have contents that are 
determined by what's in the top combo box in the Object Browser. If you are 
not finding what you want, return to the Object Browser & ensure that 
Access or All Libraries is selected in the top combo box

Bob Gailer
bgailer at alum.rpi.edu
303 442 2625
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