[python-win32] Definitive COM book? was:"Casting" COM objects

Jens B. Jorgensen jens.jorgensen@tallan.com
Tue Apr 8 21:04:29 EDT 2003

Brian Almond wrote:

>>"Mark Hammond" <mhammond@skippinet.com.au> 
>>Unfortunately, my time is thin and no one else has 
>>recently contributed in a meaningful way to the COM
>>work - too many things to work on, and not enough
>>incentive :)  I'd be more than happy to help anyone 
>>else with their efforts in cleaning some of this stuff
>>up.  In particular, what makes sense in a vtable 
>>enabled future.
>A little OT, but something your comments made
>me think of:
>What is the current, definitive book on COM?
>(For the people who would like to some day
>contribute to things like the above.  That is,
>what is the best reference available for a 
>"COM tools" implementor.)
>I seem to recall hearing positive things about 
>Don Box's "Essential COM" in the past, but I 
>don't know if it has been surpassed by other 
>books in the time since it was first published.
>(If it matters - I'm currently not working with
>.NET at all, but could be in the future.)
Don't know how other's on this list feel but I consider "Essential COM" to be just as the title suggests. The only thing I don't like is Don's explanation of apartments. I'm not saying there is anything wrong with it except for the fact that for the way my brain works it didn't gel for me.

Jens B. Jorgensen

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