[python-win32] activex controls gpf (win32all1.46, wxPython2.3.2.1, python2.2.1)

Jordan Tucker jtucker@clarisay.com
Tue, 18 Jun 2002 09:46:41 -0500

I'm having a problem with these releases of these awesome software
packages... as are a few people it seems.

Anyway, here in-house we have been using some ActiveX controls (BeeGrid,
Pro-Essentials) to interface with python code. Everything works fine with
python 2.0, but now we are trying to upgrade to 2.2 so we can use the nice
subclassing of native types, etc. The bug seems to be event-related -- i.e.
after events are sent to/from the ax control, any further access becomes
invalid, and leads to a GPF (specifically everytime in PyErr_Restore() (at
the PY_XDECREF) in errors.c of the pythoncore code). 

This doesn't happen only with our ax controls -- it happens also with the IE
and Acrobat ax demos included with the wxPython demo. We've
reproduced it on two machines, a W2K and an NT4 box, both running the same
versions of the aforementioned software, except the NT4 box was running
Py2.2 and win32all1.42 (I believe). Robin Dunn, the maintainer of wxPython,
in a reply to a sourceforge bug message, says he has problems with every new
release of win32all, and has trouble debugging it :(. 

Anyhow, I've tried 1.42, 1.46, and 1.48 on this machine as well, but to no
avail. The last version that seemed to work was with build 135, which I am
now trying to see if it will compile for Py2.2, but I'm running into
problems with SWIG (gives me a syntax error in pywintypes.i on line 56, but
it looks harmless enough!). Is it even possible to run 135 with this version
of Python, or are there "features" that will break? Just wondering about the
feasibility of this plan.

